The Trauma Behind the Smiles

What fate awaits asylum seekers now, as Trump continues to deport traumatized families back to their countries of origin, where they fled for their lives. Global trauma escalates, while the US border remains closed. Overcrowding in refugee camps and detention centers can only end

badly with the spread of the corona virus on the rise. Let us remember why our global brothers and sisters are politely knocking on our door for asylum.

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Gina Barrett
Yoga and Sacred Sex Transform Sexual Assault Trauma

In the U.S., one in three women and one in six men experience some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime. With sexual assault cases very present in the media, trauma is being reactivated in those who have had similar experiences. You see, trauma never really goes away.  In order to function in the world, those who experience trauma learn self-soothing techniques.  The bodies’ natural response is to tense up, hold the breath, avoid what activates the past trauma or go numb.  Fortunately, there is another way to transform these unpleasant responses.

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Angela Anderson
Queering Tantra: Beyond Masculine and Feminine

This article brings awareness and sensitivity to Tantra teachers and all practitioners who are unaware that there could be someone who identifies as transgender among their students or clients. Although I wrote this article primarily for sex and Tantra educators, it includes language that is helpful to all who are teaching the general public.

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Angela Anderson
Let's Talk About Sex

Yes, it’s true: intimacy is about more than just sex. But the physiological and psychological benefits of investing time and attention on your sex life can do wonders when it comes to rekindling intimacy in your relationship.

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Angela Anderson
Learning to Live from the Heart as Center

Sacred space. A time to feel nourished and supported by women. A place to counsel, reflect, share, act, and create together. A force to be reckoned with, expressing courage and love simultaneously.
A grounded, yet light, fierceness that is hard to miss or to overstep. Union. This is what is possible when we enter the Women’s Body Temple and embody the Divine Feminine.

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Angela Anderson
Bringing Harmony and Love Into Your Relationships

Harmony between partners is the best possible vibration for conception.  The level of harmony during conception actually influences the makeup of a child’s DNA.  There are many practices available to heal the emotional wounding in the heart.  If you are struggling with heart ache or sadness ... 

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Angela Anderson