Learning to Live from the Heart as Center
Sacred space.
A time to feel nourished and supported by women.
A place to counsel, reflect, share, act, and create together.
A force to be reckoned with, expressing courage and love simultaneously.
A grounded, yet light, fierceness that is hard to miss or to overstep. Union.
This is what is possible when we enter the Women’s Body Temple and embody the Divine Feminine.
As a culture, and even globally, societies have been on a patriarchal, yang-dominant path for centuries. Most, unknowingly, operating from a yang-dominant paradigm that has become the norm. Worshiping of the Goddess and communities of women supporting one another through life are only found in a few enlightened communities.
Learning to Trust as Women
The good news is women still crave a supportive female community and are joining together, acting with consciousness and love toward their “sisters.” Only about 50 or 60 years into the feminist revolution, women are still very much finding balance and a safe place to share their gifts without compromising what we can really bring to the table as a community member and change agent. After immersion in the man’s work environment and rising there, women are learning to trust each other and to be trustworthy. They are learning to support one another rather than compete with each other. They are learning to live from a place of abundance, and not from a place of scarcity where there is not enough available for all women. Women hear the call and they are taking steps to embody the Divine Feminine.
When women choose to unify, the existing paradigm will shift. When we choose to embrace the yin fully, the yang will soften. Together, a beautiful union is created and we experience progress that is rich and fulfilling, with less emphasis on competition and less haste. We will experience harmony. As Lao Tzu says, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
Historically, women have divided in order to make progress in a yang-oriented world. These ebbs and flows will happen. It’s how we learn and grow: by trial and error and feeling into the effects of our actions. The more we gather, nourish one another, and learn how to cooperate and support one another instead of compete, the more we will make progress toward creating a new paradigm: the Divine Feminine.
“It is possible, and completely viable and nourishing, to live from the heart as our center.”
Men are ready for this healing, to be able to feel and express emotion from a grounded place. Together we can unite yin and yang and take the gifts of both aspects of Self.
The yang provider: grounded and centered, logical.
The yin heart: a vessel, nurturing and gentle.
Beautiful role models already exist. Keep an eye out for them. Learn from them. They are balanced in their energy body, not striving and competing, but instead living from the heart. They are centered and grounded, living a life with awareness, presence, acceptance, and forgiveness.
The Divine Feminine
I have been called to bring women together to embody and nourish the Divine Feminine so that we can find our strength together and bring it forward into our lives with courage and love. We can lead and guide when we choose to shed the old yang-driven paradigm. Even women need to enact this transformation in order to fully live out their soul’s true essence and calling with more ease and less depletion.
“Choose to bring your passion into reality with love and harmony.”
When we do so, we will be pleasantly surprised at how well this embodiment of the Divine Feminine is received. It’s seen as strong, sexy, and nourishing. Who doesn’t want some of that?
(Article published at 1440 Multiversity)